Slumrat Guerrilla, resin miniature to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RPG, RPG, Archvillain Games
Ratwatch, resin miniature to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RPG, Archvillain Games
Outworld Crusher (Pose 3), resin miniature to mount and color, role-playing, DnD, RPG, RDR, Archvillain Games
Carmilla, resin miniature to be mounted and colored, role-playing, DnD, RPG, RDR
Encephalid various miniature resin poses to mount and color, role-playing, DnD, RPG, RDR, Archvillain Games
Deepspawn Pose 1 resin miniature to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RPG, Archvillain Games
Cerebrax the Devourer miniature resin to assemble and color, role-playing, DnD, RPG, RDR, Archvillain Games
Sobeksen (4 poses), resin miniature to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RPG, Archvillain Games
Corporeal Reflection miniature resin to mount and color, role-playing, DnD, RPG, RDR, Archvillain Games
Encephalid Shocktrooper miniature resin to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RPG, RPG, Archvillain Games
Deepspawn Pose 2 miniature resin to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RPG, Archvillain Games
Gith Swordmaster Hero, resin miniature to mount and color, role-playing games, DnD, RPG, RDR, Archvillain Games
Vampire hunter, Maggio 2023, ca_3d_art, miniatura da assemblare e colorare, in resina
Izel la Succube Barbarica, miniatura da assemblare e colorare, in resina
Frost Giant Shaman, miniatura da assemblare e colorare, in resina
Radella, Gothic Pinup, Bella Nacht Miniatures, miniatura da assemblare e colorare, in resina
Sheena, Warrior Queen, Big Models, Clay Cyanide Miniature, miniature to assemble and color, in resin
Zombie Hunter Bust, August 2022, Kuton, miniature to assemble and color, in resin
Morrigan BUST, miniature to assemble and color, in resin
Black kitty, October 2023, Michel B. Rodriguez, miniature to assemble and color, in resin